Nearly 26 years after Seinfeld aired its controversial finale episode, co-creator Larry David attempted to fix things with his other acclaimed comedy series, Curb Your Enthusiasm. Sunday night saw the last episode of Curb air on HBO, bringing to an end the irreverent and hilarious story David has been telling since 2000. In this very last hour, David revisited the Seinfeld finale that left millions of fans puzzled, and attempted to put a new spin on the story. WARNING: This article has major spoilers for the ending of Curb Your Enthusiasm! Continue reading at your own risk…
The final season of Curb Your Enthusiasm saw Larry David’s on-screen persona on trial for breaking an election law, giving Leon’s aunt a bottle of water while she stood out in the hot sun waiting for vote. Ultimately, Larry gets sent to prison, much like the cast of Seinfeld in that show’s finale. Larry, however, doesn’t stay behind bars.
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It’s none other than Jerry Seinfeld who lets Larry out of jail. Seinfeld shows up and informs Larry that there was a mistrial in his case and that he’s free to go. He tells his friend, “You don’t want to end up like this, nobody wants to see it. Trust me.”
To which Larry replies, “This is how we should have ended the finale.”
The mistrial actually occurs because of Seinfeld. He goes out to eat and sees one of the jurors at a public restaurant when they’re supposed to be sequestered. That’s enough to declare the mistrial and keep Larry out of prison, and offers the two Seinfeld co-creators a chance to change their fates on-screen together.
As if the finale didn’t feel definitive enough, David has gone on record that there will be no eventual return for Curb Your Enthusiasm. This really is the end of the series, 24 years after it first began.
“I’m not lying,” David told The Hollywood Reporter when asked about Curb coming to an end. “People think I’m lying — I’m not a liar. Okay, yeah, 15 years ago I said it was the last season — that’s what I say when I don’t think I’m going to come up with another one. But, this is it.”
What did you think of the Curb Your Enthusiasm finale? Let us know in the comments!